Water & Sewer Department
Welcome to the Newfields Village Water & Sewer District's Website Page!
The office at 75 Main Street is open the first Monday of the month from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. We have a 24/7 dropbox on the front door. Save yourself a stamp and drop off your payment in the dropbox.
The Commissioners meet the first Monday of each month at 7:00. The Annual meeting is held the fourth Monday in April at 7:00 PM. All meetings are held at 75 Main Street, Newfields, NH.
Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners
Commission Chair: Ray Buxton, Jr. - Term Expiration April 2027
Commissioner: Catherine Nelson-Smith - Term Expiration April 2025
Commissioner: George Drinkwater - Term Expiration April 2026
District Staff
Treasurer: Wendy Chase - Term Expiration April 2025
CLERK: Betsy Coes - Term Expiration April 2025
Moderator: Jim Elder - Term Expiration April 2025
AUDITOR: Dumais, Ferland & Fuller CPA's LLC
RCM Pump Systems - Josh Scotton, Superintendent - Term Expiration April 2026
NH Department of Environmental Services Certified Operators
#2180 Ray Buxton Jr. Grade 1A
#2179 Scott Buxton Grade IA
#177 Alan Williams Grade IA
#3316 Josh Scotton Treatment Grade II and Distribution Grade I